Massage Therapy Vero Beach

Massage Therapy Services

Swedish Massage – A general massage of the soft tissues, which works mainly on the muscles, ligaments and tendons to increase the body’s blood and lymphatic circulation. It promotes relaxation, enhanced range of motion and reduction of muscle tension.

Swe-Thai Massage – Relaxing Swedish massage is combined with traditional Thai massage, which incorporates Yoga-type stretching and compressions. This improves range of motion and relieves joint and muscle pain. (90 minute session is recommended for optimum results).

Deep Tissue Massage – This form of bodywork goes into the deeper layers of muscle tissue, which releases chronic stress areas due to repetitive motions and injuries. Soreness is common with this treatment so much care should be taken post massage by staying well hydrated to flush out all the toxins.

Super Stress Buster (Blend of Swedish and Deep Tissue Massage) – Suffering from neck pain? Is your lower back giving you the most discomfort? Swedish massage is combined with deeper tissue work in order to give you a more well-rounded degree of healing.  Based on the clients needs, this is a focused treatment that employs a variety of highly effective techniques. The deeper pressure and slower movements address those problem areas enhancing range of motion and soothing sore muscles.

Massage Therapy for the Elderly – Geriatric massage is a form of massage designed to meet the specific needs of the elderly population. It involves the use of hands to manipulate the soft tissues of the body to improve blood circulation, relieve pain, and increase range of motion using Compassionate Touch ®.

Oncology Massage – This highly specialized form of massage addresses and honors the unique needs of clients with cancer and cancer histories. Each patient’s particular type of cancer and current or prior cancer treatment along with lymphedema and DVT risks are taken into consideration and thoughtful and careful planning goes into creating the best massage treatment for that particular individual. Chemotherapy, surgery, radiation, vital organ involvement and bone metastasis are also some of the key factors that play into the planning, and length of each session. A client interview and in some cases communicating with the client’s physician may be necessary to begin a massage treatment.

Hot Stone Massage – Get the ultimate relaxation in a warming hot stone massage. Heated massage stones made of crushed clay and stone radiate their warmth into the surrounding body tissues and muscles, increasing blood circulation, as well as decreasing stress, tension, aches and tissue stiffness.

Chair Massage – Need some quick relief but have little time to devote to a full session? I can come to your office and provide chair massage services that will fit into your staff’s busy schedule, de-stress your team and get those problem areas soothed (minimum of 4 clients per hour required).